
Showing posts from August, 2022

Miniature horse unable to use hind legs runs for the first time after getting custom wheels

  Turbo is a miniature horse who has been suffering from mobility issues since birth. The horse couldn't use his rear legs and thus couldn't walk normally. However, kind people did their best to help Turbo. Road to Refuge Farm Sanctuary in North Haven, Connecticut took the horse for treatment. Co-founder Megan Pereira is a mixed animal vet tech who inspired the sanctuary to save farm animals from being euthanized. So when he learned about Turbo he couldn't stay indifferent. Walkinu2019 Pets, an organization dedicated to supplying mobility devices to injured and disabled animals, also stepped in to help. They provided him with a wheelchair and this was the best thing that could happen to Turbo. The miniature horse not only started to walk but also started to run, and gallop. This story is another proof of how people can change the animal's fate.  

The most common dental disease in dogs and cats

  For dogs not used to having their mouth touched, try peanut butter on a plastic spoon.   The standard for dental care in humans has improved over the years, with electric toothbrushes, flossing, and mouthwash, and are now part of our normal routines. But what about your pet? After all, dogs and cats suffer from the same kinds of dental diseases that we do. “The most common form of the dental disease found in cats and dogs, similar to humans, is tooth decay, also known as a periodontal disease”, said Alet Joubert, veterinary nurse at Boehringer Ingelheim. “Advanced progression of plaque and tartar leads to severe inflammation of the gums, also known as gingivitis, which can then lead to periodontitis”. In some advanced cases, if left unchecked, Joubert noted that “periodontal disease can lead to root abscesses, and even infections in our pets’ jawbone. Worse yet, the bacteria could then give rise to systemic disease in the whole body”. Clearly, that’s a terrible thought

Swеdish Womаn Sаys Her Cаt was adoрted in 1985 and saуs that she Turns 36 This Yеar

Missan the old cat Missan, 35, maybe the world’s oldest cat, according to its Swedish owner who says that aside from suffering from some minor back and kidney problems, there is no reason why her furry friend won’t make it to the grand age of 36. Missan the Swedish farm cat is turning 36 this spring and maybe the world’s oldest living cat. By far. “I read an article about another cat that was supposed to be the world’s oldest, and I just thought to myself: ‘mine is older!’,” Nissan’s owner Åsa Wickberg, from Karlskoga, told the TT news agency. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Poppy from Britain was listed as the world’s oldest cat last year at the age of 29… Wickberg said she found Missan as an abandoned kitten in 1985, with the family dog quickly adopting her as one of her own. “She’s a bit of a loner and has always been a bit shy and a little cautious. But she likes dogs. She takes to them very quickly.” Although Missan’s age has somewhat taken its toll on her, with s

Тhe Woman Rescues Тhe Аbandoned Сat In Тhe Еlevator Waits Тo Adapt It

A lady in Singapore discovered a cat and its carrier abandoned in broad daylight in the lift lobby of a HDB tower. As a result of heterochromia, an uncommon disorder that also affects dogs and people, the cat has two distinct colored eyes: blue and green. According to her, she and her parents discovered the white cat with cream spots around 4pm. The woman assumed that the carrier had been thrown to the ground with the cat inside since the gate had broken off and the sides had detached, indicating that the carrier had been damaged by its collision with the ground. The lady wrote: “Not only that, but this moron may (have) thrown the carrier with the cat inside with such force that the container was completely damaged. Carrier lay on its side, with the fasteners and gates shattered and demolished; poor kitten was terrified and shivered as soon as we spotted it.” SPCA was notified of the situation. In her Facebook post, the woman stated that she had reported the incident to the Society for

His Dogs Only Wanted To Be Loved, But Owner Left Them To Rot In Industrial Plot

  The story of Boots and Babs, 2 Pit Bull mix dogs, is gut-wrenching in many ways. The 2 dogs were abandoned in a deserted industrial area where survival was a big nightmare, writes ilovemydogsomuch Even so, the dogs comforted each other through the terrifying nights and hoped that some human would pity their plight. By the time a worker decided to call a rescue to help the 2 dogs, a year had already passed. When the folks at Hope For Paws arrived at the industrial stretch, they were fully expecting to find 2 tough dogs hardened by their abandonment experience. But despite their miserable lives, Boots and Babs were anything but “tough”. In this video, we see the rescuers approaching Boots with some food. The dog’s eyes sparkle with hope as he greets the rescuers with hugs and tail wags right away. When they move ahead to get Babs, the sweet girl has the exact same response! The thankful duo excitedly make themselves comfortable in the rescue van, knowing th

Rescued kangaroo insists on daily couch cuddles with dad

 No one would ever say ‘no’ to some relaxing time on a very comfortable sofa, with the favorite TV show playing on.  But when this is your daily routine, that might be a bit too much. Well, that’s how this lazy kangaroo is spending his days.  Everybody, meet Rufus, the most spoiled joey in the world. Now over 4-year-old, Rufus’ life wasn’t always like that. Rescued when he was eight-month-old, the kangaroo ended at the Patch Kangaroo Sanctuary in Boston, South Australia.   Fortunately, here he found all the love and comfort he ever needed , in Kym Haywood and her husband Neil – the ones who run the sanctuary. Both the caring couple, and the rescued kangaroo, became extremely attached to each other, so Kym and Neil decided to keep Rufus inside their house.  Now, he acts like owns the place, or at least the couch. Rufus loves to spend his days laying on the comfortable sofa, and to cuddle with his dad. But both Neil and Kym, soon realized the sofa might not be big enough fo

Lioness risks her life to save cub in dramatic rescue

 Life in the wild isn’t easy at all for a cub, especially in a though place like Masai Mara, Kenya is. One moment of distraction was enough for this lion cub to put its life in danger.  When its mom took her eyes off him, the little one, unluckily fallen over the edge of a vertical cliff. After he seen himself down there, alone and helpless, the cub started to cry out for help. His mom, who wasn’t far away, quickly arrived with three other lionesses and a male.  However, the cub’s fate seemed sealed as a rescue would have to the lion’s lives in danger, too. In the end, the motherly love was the decisive factor and the lioness decided it’s worth to risk her life in the attempt of saving the little one’s. It’s when the drama begins.  Fortunately, the wild life photographer, Jean-Francois Largo, managed to capture the incredible scenes on camera. Slowly, agonizingly, the lioness begins her way down towards her scared baby. Using her strong claws, she carefully steps on the

Snowboarders Save Stranded Horse From Freezing To Death

 To celebrate his 21st birthday, Rafael went snowboarding with his friend in El Colorado, Chile.  He noticed a strange-looking rock in the distance, and soon realized it was no rock at all, but a stranded wild horse trapped in snow.  Knowing the poor horse would surely die, Rafael and his friend leapt into action. The incredible video documents the rescue, and it’s like something out of a movie! Rafael and his friend go right up to the gorgeous chestnut horse and dig her out of four feet of packed-in snow.  They then lead the mare six miles down the mountain, allowing her to follow behind them. Five hours after they discovered her, the horse was reunited with her herd. Rafael may not have celebrated his 21st birthday in the typical way, but his version is much more heartwarming  😍  Rafael wrote about the harrowing rescue on The Inertia: “I have been through a lot in life, and through it all I have realized that it’s well worth it to watch out for others — whether they ar

9-year-old boy uses pocket money to feed stray dogs, then raises money to open animal shelter

 While most of the people are careless when comes to animals in need of help, some are ready to go above and beyond only to help those innocents creatures.  But when this comes from a 9-year-old boy, it’s nothing short of inspiring! Certainly, the most kids at this age spend their pocket money on things like cookies or sweets, but Ken Amante decided to use his for a noble cause – procuring food for the helpless stray dogs that live in his neighborhood in Philippines.  Fortunately, the kid’s gesture didn’t go unnoticed and after his incredible story went viral, lots of people worldwide wanted to share a bit of their kindness with this little hero.  Massive donations have been raised and the 9-year-old’s dream came true as he managed to open a shelter for all those hapless animals. Very kind and modest by his nature, initially no one knew about Ken’s activity.  However, after noticing his son leaves the house with a back full of food – almost everyday – his father follow

Trail Cam Accidentally Captures Opossum Helping A Deer By Picking Ticks Off Its Face

Unfortunately, opossums are not animals that humans hold in high esteem. Many people see them as pests, as they often crawl into their garbage cans in search of a quick snack.  But according to an Opossum Awareness & Advocacy worker, this perception is changing, although we still see cases of violence towards these animals due to misinformation. “Not everyone sees opossums in the same way and the perception is changing, but for a long time people have believed that opossums were giant rodents that spread rabies, as they look a little like rats.  Historically people killed them as pests and also ate them. There are places where that behavior has not changed. One of the reasons they are seen as pests is because opossums seek heat in the colder months and can make homes in basements and attics.  Many horse owners hate opossums because they can carry a virus that can kill horses. Not all of them carry this virus, some get it when they eat another creature that has it. Th

Pregnant Pit Bull Rescued from Euthanasia Gives Birth to Most Adorable Puppies

  Meet Mary, a pregnant Pit Bull who was brought to a shelter with a very high kill rate. “My fiancee saved her from shelter that was a day away from putting her down, puppies and all,” Aaron Colby, Mary’s foster parent, explains to DogHeirs. “Her time was up at the shelter and she was so close to being put down but a heroic effort by the rescue and over $1000 in donations from people around the country managed to pay the fees and get her our of there… the only thing she needed was a foster. That’s where we came in!” “She was more than ready to give birth but she waited as long as she could so as to avoid having them in a scary kennel.”      “You can see how emaciated she is here back at our place but carrying a heavy load of pups.” “We basically have kept her food dish full around the clock for the past month and she’s put on some weight and her coat is getting soft and pretty again. Turns out if you feed a dog 5 times a day though, they will poop 5 times a day too

Man asks for 104 birthday wishes for his dad turning 104, and is flooded with thousands of messages

      Not everyone gets to turn 104, and when you do, you hope to have done enough good to have people celebrate your life. Gerald was certainly one of them and he was celebrated more than he could have ever imagined. It all started when his son, Kevin Mills, reached out to Twitter and announced that his father was turning 104 and asked if people could send him wishes. Mills also shared an adorable image of his father. “This is my dad, Gerald. He turns 104 on 12 July,”  tweeted  Mills. “Any chance I can muster 104 happy birthdays from Twitter? He’ll be amazed and baffled in equal measure.” The simple birthday wish turned into an adorable thread of people sharing images and birthdays of people they loved, with a majority of them featuring aged grandparents.   Happy extended family blowing out candles on birthday cake on a garden party – stock photo/Getty Images   The tweet was flooded with replies and the centenarian received many more than 104 birthday wishes. The tweet garnered more t