10 Excellent Tips to Give Your Dog a Bath at Home
1- are calm, will have a better chance of staying calm. 2 - If your home is cold; turn off the air conditioner or heat up. 3 - Brushing your puppy will reduce the amount of bathing needed. Daily brushing helps keep the coat clean and tangled. Too many baths can sometimes cause dry skin. 4 - Consider the size of your dog. Small dogs can bathe in the sink. This gives back bending relief. Larger breeds will need to be placed in the shower or bath. In both cases, dogs will need warm water, a non-slip mat to stand, and a hand shower head or side sprayer for the kitchen. 5- Using shampoo for pets is a good idea because it is specially formulated and pH balanced for your dog's skin. Adding a hair conditioner after bathing will facilitate cleaning and care for long-haired breeds. 6. Bath time should be the connecting time for you and your furry friend. Make it a pleasant experience by offering your dogs a boost in positive behavior. 7- Slowly get used to warm water by gently spraying the d...